
We have lot of expe­rience in sol­ving pro­duc­tion problems, impro­ving yields and quality.

We are always loo­king for the root cause and ana­lyze care­ful­ly the rea­sons for issues like sur­face defects.

Impro­ving yield and opti­mizing capacity

  • We opti­mize moul­ding proces­ses based on qua­li­ty requi­re­ments
  • We pro­vi­de pro­fes­sio­nal sta­te­ments and recom­men­da­tions for impro­ving yield.
  • We make recom­men­da­tions for opti­mizing moul­ding window.
  • We look for the shor­test pos­sible cycle time wit­hout nega­ti­ve effects on part quality.

When moul­ding process is opti­mized and ful­fills qua­li­ty requi­re­ments we docu­ment the process making it pos­sible to duplica­te it using anot­her moul­ding mac­hi­ne if needed.

Got interested in our services? Take contact!
