
We can give you sup­port during eve­ry step of the process: Selec­ting the right moul­ding mac­hi­ne, giving advi­se in mould design and mould manu­fac­tu­ring and ram­ping up new moulds from part appro­val to mass production.

Sol­ving pro­duc­tion problems is our strength.

We work on impro­ving yields and get­ting the maxi­mum out­put from a mould by opti­mizing cycle times.

We offer trai­ning ser­vices for people get­ting in to the injec­tion moulding.

Our advanced trai­ning pac­ka­ge can be tai­lo­red to the cus­to­mer needs.

Trai­ning can be arran­ged from the very basics to the scien­ti­fic moul­ding principles inclu­ding mac­hi­ne tes­ting and docu­men­ting practices.

Are you interested in our services. Please feel free to contact us!
