New moulds and products

We will sup­port you in part and mould design befo­re mould making and start of production


  • We recom­mend using flow simu­la­tion to sup­port part design

  • Flow simu­la­tion will con­firm manu­fac­tu­ra­bi­li­ty of a pro­duct and helps to eli­mi­na­te problems and risks well i advance

  • When nee­ded we can use pres­su­re and tem­pe­ra­tu­re sen­sors to get data direct­ly out of the mould cavity.

We will sup­port in selec­ting the right sized moul­ding mac­hi­ne for your product


  • Cor­rect clam­ping force

  • Cor­rect volu­me flow (right screw dia­me­ter and injec­tion unit)
  • Cor­rect resi­dence time for the raw material

Ram­ping up new tools and get­ting tools appro­ved at tool makers is our exper­ti­se. We will trim the moulds based on the qua­li­ty requi­re­ments from the cus­to­mer and we docu­ment the process befo­re trans­fe­ring moulds to pro­duc­tion faci­li­ty. Natu­ral­ly we will sup­port ram­ping up pro­duc­tion at the factory.


  • Mould trials and trim­ming can be done at the mould maker or at the moulder.
  • Befo­re pro­duc­tion mould accep­tance, mold and part qua­li­ty will be assu­red to comply with the requi­re­ments and speci­fica­tions of the customer.
  • Moulds will always be deli­ve­red to moul­ding faci­li­ty tes­ted and documented
  • The first pro­duc­tion run can be used as a final appro­val and the achie­ved moul­ding process will be ana­lyzed for yield, cycle time and robustness.

Are you interested in our services. Please feel free to contact us!
