
Trai­ning pac­ka­ges are tai­lor-made based on cus­to­mer requi­re­ments and the know­led­ge level of the participants.

  • Theo­re­tical trai­ning for raw mate­rials: From inco­ming ins­pec­tion to moulding
  • Proces­sing know­led­ge using examples and animations
  • How to use exter­nal softwa­re in dai­ly life (flow simu­la­tion, pres­su­re and tem­pe­ra­tu­re sen­sors, mea­su­ring raw mate­rial mois­tu­re content)
  • Docu­men­ting practices

Trai­ning can be orga­nized at the cus­to­mer or at an exter­nal location

Dif­fe­rent pha­ses of a moul­ding process will be cove­red in detail using trai­ning mate­rial that is cus­to­mized the the customer’s needs.

We can arran­ge a test befo­re and after the trai­ning giving feed­back on the success of the trai­ning session

  • After theo­re­tical trai­ning all aspects of a moul­ding cycle will be cove­red in a hands-on trai­ning at a moul­ding machine

At the same time we are lear­ning to docu­ment what we are doing and as a result we have an opti­mized and docu­men­ted pro­duct or process.

Are you interested in our services. Please feel free to contact us!
